Saturday night was prom at to go and see our lovely Brittany at grand march...I remember when she was a baby...can't believe she's a senior...and Jon...her beau...what can I say...we just love him...perfect fit into the family:)
Also had Todd and Amanda's reception Saturday was fun, but I was kind of a deadbeat b/c my back was completely shot. I had trouble standing up it hurt so bad...Sunday, then, was ok...until afternoon/evening...I was on the couch/heating pad most of the day. My husband and the kids flew their kites and went to Orchelin to look at baby chicks and buy a fish feeder.
Jacob is still on antibiotics...had been sick for a little over a week, but you know me..."tough it out Jacob"...didn't want to run to the doctor for every little sniffle. Well, I gave in Thursday...Dr. Ruff said he had some ear wax blocking his one tube (permanent ear tubes in both ears), which was causing some fluid backup (again), had sinusitis, and very congested lungs...probably on the verge of pneumonia (I'm so used to sick kids...just glad he isn't requiring 17 iv sticks and 2 jugular lines this time...had that at Gateway when he was a baby for rotavirus).
25 weeks pregnant and counting...definately feel pregnant kicking everywhere...the kids got to see my belly bulge with a couple kicks last night, so that kinda made it reality for them. Ava wants to name the baby Jamal...think she heard that name on little Bill...Max was her favorite, but she decided on Jamal since Max was on Max and Ruby. I still have my own favorites...will probably go with one of them...Jacob's last request for a name was "Jennifer Brad Truelove"...the Swartzentruber's are lovin that name, but I don't think it will work out...better come up with something a little more original:)
Last week, at the park, Ava had major facial trauma after falling face first ( impact on her face) from the bar thing that slides across the track when you hold on...she had done it several times and was fine, but accidentally let go this time...She had a huge knot on her forehead, nose was swollen and bruised, etc...I didn't go to er...just watched her and think she's gonna be ok...nose finally back to right size...the good out of that ordeal is that it knocked her loose tooth a little looser...she got really brave in church last sunday and said "mom....lets go pull that tooth...I'm ready"...well, church or no church, I was not passing up that we headed to the bathroom during Shawn's sermon and yanked it out...the rest of the service consisted mainly of blood and snot (from Jacob)...being a mom is so glamorous!

your stories make me laugh! i kept checking for an update from you!!
I'm glad to hear baby T is kicking away in there. Hope you get some relief with your back. Have you tried PT? I know you're doing massages, but maybe some PT will help?
I did PT a while back...before I was pregnant...helped my neck, but not really back...I'm actually setting up with PT again and for the first time in my life...considering a chiropractor...????...
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