Well, it happened last night...Ava's dangling tooth finally came out...with a little help from her mama:) She got brave while playing at grandma and papa's and said I could pull it when we got home...she kept her promise...I try not to let her notice how grossed out I am by pulling teeth...seriously, I get chills down my spine and an upset stomach just watching her twist and wiggle that thing in her mouth...then, the thought of grabbing it out of her precious little mouth and yanking it out of her sweet little gumline...just sounds wrong! Anyway, for the second time, she didn't make a sound, but laughed and was so proud...Jacob watched in amazement...he was cheering her on the whole time...I know...we are really lacking entertainment at our house...
27 weeks prego today...whew! Still having some rapid heart rates...right now is 124-130...get short of breath and kind of burn in my chest with my increases, but everyone seems to think its anxiety and nothing else...PTL!! One of the girls I work with brought me in a barstool to sit at when I'm working on patient charts up by the reception desk (away from my office)...kinda funny...we call it the "princess chair"! Every bit of relaxation I can get helps...

I can't believe you only have 13 wks to go!! Yay!! Little baby Truelove will be here before we know it!
Yay for 13 weeks & Yay for Ava losing another tooth. I don't think Grace will start losing hers until way later. I hope that you feel better...if you need to talk just give me a call. luv ya girl:)
13 weeks...and usually I don't make it past 38 weeks, so really anytime after 9 more weeks could be a reality!
Jamie! I can't believe it is coming up that fast for baby T to make his debut! I bet you are ready.
I think all pregnant gals need a "princess chair" lol :) Hope your heartrate decreases soon-- that's no fun!
loose teeth gross me out too.
Yippee for Ava! Love the picture of her showing off her new gumline. I can just see Jacob cheering her on!
Sunday School went fine yesterday. How was lunch for the gang?
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