Well, life is pretty well unchanged in the Truelove household...that's always good. Last night after AWANA we were all kinda filled with energy (probably cause I was off yesterday and kinda took it easy), so we took some video and pictures to send to Grandma who has been in Michigan visiting my brother and his family for 2 whole days...yes...I said 2 whole days...my heart goes out to Tera, with losing her gramps...I so agree that kids need their g'parents to help nurture them...parents just aren't enough anymore...I'm glad you're back here Tera...You guys are blessed with 2 wonderful sets of g'parents, just like you were (are) with your gramps...and I'm so glad he was so at ease in his last moments...sounds like it was all planned...like you said...almost can consider it a perfect process by the way you described it...
Anyway, here is one of our pictures from last night...

Ava has been "posing" for me lately in these hot little gymnastic numbers like you see here...poor Jacob was like a little manequin...she was yelling at him by the time we got the picture b/c he would not do what she wanted for the picture...I finally told her to let him stand behind you and...SNAP...got it...she can be a little bossy if you get to know her...definately a girl who knows what she wants...Jacob, I think, is gonna b more of a follower...not good news to me...I'm gonna have to really scout his friends as he gets older...He would probably do anything she told him to do...like a little puppy dog, but so darn sweet and warm-hearted...
I just noticed my toes in the picture...sorry you all had to see my foot...at least my toes were painted.
For any of my 5 yr old sunday school class parents reading this: Our 5 yr olds are singing their new and old books of the bible on sunday morning at the park for church offering...May not find all of you before service, so trying to get the word out...
Well, my days of prego are coming to an end...bittersweet...this has been the absolute worst pregnancy so far for me, but the little man as a reward will make it all worth it...knowing he may be my last is kinda sad, but happy and excited to see him!
glad things are going well for you guys! ava cracks me up- she sounds a lot like me w/ my brother haha :)
Thank you so much, Jamie, for thinking about us. It is hard to say goodbye...and yes, I think we made the right decision by moving close to our parents. I only wish my parents were closer!
Such a cute family you have. Can't wait to see that new little bundle being loved on by his big brother and big sister. By the way your feet look beautful! My toes are never painted these days...
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