OK...so here's what happened...last night, hubby was mowing and we were inside taking baths, etc. In the front yard, Ava saw Shad off the mower, down by the road, looking at something...it wasn't 5 minutes later until we heard..."Ava, Jake....come and look what I found"...at that point, we ran to the kitchen and daddy showed us a baby bunny he had "found in the yard". Anyway, he said there were actually 2 and he would go get the other one so each kid would have one to care for. Of course, Ava fell deeply in love and Jacob did too...I think...he was more interested in seeing if the bunny's eyes would blink if he touched its eyeball...So, we got on the golfcart, retrieved the other bunny and headed to Nanny Sue and Uncle Pat's house for a bunny consult (Pat is an expert wild game reference:) Pat, so considerately, gave his kind opinion that we should "probably put the babies back and see if their mom would move them"...AKA..."I'd love to take them out back and blow their brains out"...hahaha...you just have to know uncle Pat...ANYWAY...as the story went on, I found out that actually there "were" 4 bunnies and possibly a mother, however, my husband (failed to tell me this at first) chopped up 2 of them in the mower, and these were the 2 orphans left behind...no wonder they didn't move or blink their eyes...I wouldn't either if I was that close to a mower blade...So, after much deliberation with the kids and convincing, Shad said he'd take them back out and see what happened overnight...if they continued to be stranded, we might consider caring for them...or trying at least. Well, this morning, Ava was up at 6:30 am and asked daddy to go check on bunnies...well, guess what...not there...BUT, he said he put them in the "tall grass" which means readily accessible to Sam, the dog...I didn't say anything, but wonder if the other two lives were taken through the night, supplying a nice meal for the family's yellow labrador...there's probably gonna b a lot of drama tonight in our house:) Oh...the funniest thing was while at Nanny's, we put some lettuce and carrots in their little box for them to eat (knew they prob. wouldn't)...Jake got tired of waiting on them to devour their meal...we found him eating the carrots out of their box...so innocent...didn't even know he was taking their only chance for survival! LOL!
Here are the varmints...Jake's is Ty and Ava's is Brown Eyes...Jake said he's saving the name "Brad Jennifer" for mommy's baby..."this bunny is Ty"
Close-up of Brown Eyes...scared and probably having some PTSD (post traumatic stress) from the lawnmower blade ripping up his siblings

your posts always have me laughing!!
"Brad Jennifer"-interesting name choice! haha
Oh my goodness...this is soooo funny:) I love the way you tell stories!! And all the things Jake was doing in your posts sounds exactly like things Max would do - our boys should be best buddies!!
Love the story!
Funny!!...well except for what happened to the poor sibling bunnies!
Just saw your comment on my last post...Braylee has that outfit too! Have Ava wear it on Sunday and tell her she can match Braylee! :)
31 has purses, kids things, organizers, lots of really CUTE fun things.. i am hosting a party in August.. maybe you'll be able to come and bring BABY!!!!
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