Ava Grace
Ava is doing well in school...doesn't like getting up in the morning, but loves, and is so eager, to learn...She wants, more than ever, to be able to read. I think she's advanced a lot since starting kindergarten, but not quite there yet. She's my big helper and the greatest big sister we could expect. She is always willing to take the back seat when her baby and 4yr old brothers need some extra TLC...
Jacob Miles
Jake is in preschool at WC and doing well. He has been named best picker upper and his teacher says he is well-mannered, but has bursts of energy at times. Jacob loves his baby brother and is always trying to make him laugh...sometimes gets too close to his little face, but Ty doesn't care. Jake also wants to play, constantly...he loves when his big sister gets off the bus in the afternoon. They run off and play right away...He still loves his "mean guys", but we're kinda cutting back on that b/c we're having a little trouble with being scared of monsters in our bedroom...
Ty Barrett
Baby Ty is the cutest little baby...sweetest personality (like my other two)...most content baby...He has found his toes and fingers and wants to suck on them all the time...has a hard time getting his fat little legs bent to get his toe in his mouth, but keeps on trying. He is approximately 23 inches and 13 lbs...maybe even bigger...haven't been to our 4 month appt yet...My father says Ty is spoiled rotten, which is somewhat true, but he is our pride and joy still the same
Mommy and Daddy
Well, we see each other approximately 20 minutes a day (no joke!) between jobs, hunting season, kids, church, etc. Shad is in the midst of his hunting excursion. I don't really have any hobbies...and don't really want any...my kids keep me busy enough...having 3 kids wasn't as bad as everyone had told me...but I have a great nanny...Julie...who really makes life easier...I get to work and also enjoy my home and kids in the evening, without a lot of laundry or cleaning to do. Life is good...

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