Ava is in k now and Jacob at preschool...Kindergarten is kind of hard to get used to...a lot of girl drama...I mean a lot! Preschool is old news here, but Jacob is probably gonna bring it a whole new life! He loves it...His teacher told me he was the best picker-upper and a very good listener...WHAT!!!! She was sure it was my Jacob...I shouldn't say that, b/c he is a very good and sweet little boy...just very active sometimes! I've also received good reports from all of Ava's teachers...mostly that she is very well mannered and is very thirsty to learn. What else could I ask for...
Went to Turkey Trot over weekend...I don't care how trashy or dirty that place is...it's always a lot of fun. I think I had as much fun as the kids! I know it's a money pit and I really don't care. I get tired of hearing people trash it...I understand that if you're not a true Daviess County native, you'll never be able to appreciate it like we do...it's always been something we have done...since I was born I think...in early September. I see people there that I don't see all year! Great fun!! Go Trot!!!!
Baby crying...gotta run...

lol..that sounds like what people say about dru--he's such a good boy, and i'm thinking are we talkin bout the same little man? HA HA. but honestly i have came to the conclusion, they can back talk their parents cuz we will always love them...i was just thinking when i was younger I wouldn't dare back talk my friends parents but i didn't have a problem doing it to my own! and i TOTALLy agree with your turkey trot comment...its always fun and yes we spent alot of $$ too. but ya know the trashy people are usually people we've never seen...so i just overlook them...we can't let the tradition down! lol..
glad to hear an update from you! it's good ava is doing good in K (too funny about all the girl drama). they say the same things about B and i'm like whooaaa... you sure? but i agree w/ dez, i think they push us, as parents more and behave better for others. i did that w/ my own parents too. i bet baby T is getting big!
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