Well, our last few months have been what I would call "normal" for 3 small children and jobs, house, etc...I'm sure my peers with the same would validate that statement...I really don't know that havine 3 kids is as bad as everyone said. It's definately more work...hardest times are packing up to go somewhere (sunday mornings are crazy here!) and bedtime. Ava is to the point, thank goodness, that she can and will put herself to bed, so I really only have the 2 boys...but Jacob is kind of in a scared stage...afraid of being in his room alone...he's doing better...just very hard to be consistent and make him go back to bed every time he gets up and is crying...it's hard not to just let him crawl in my bed and me make it all better:) And, Tyler...he sleeps all night...really always has...he just takes a little time to change his diaper, feed him, etc. But, wouldn't trade it for the world.....
I've been back and forth to Indy about a hundred times (seems like it anyway). Those of you who know me will know the situation...not great, but definately could be worse. Seems as though I've had every part of my body scoped or poked...not really any answers yet...not really any relief yet...Man...if I knew being 35 was gonna b this way, I'd have been more prepared...I've been turning on cnn and looking at what real suffering really is...makes my troubles look pretty simple.
Tyler's first tooth poked through Tuesday night...yes....I was in Indy and missed it. I knew it was coming cause we had been up all night (I mean all night) Sunday and part of the night Monday...he hurt so bad...tylenol just didn't cut it...I could see the tooth right under the skin so I knew there was really nothing to do but wait it out. He fell right to sleep last night...could tell it felt better already. Can't believe he has a tooth...aagghhh!!! He just smiles...he is the happiest, most content little guy I have ever met...except for B Swartzentruber...the only time he cries is when I pick him up...lol
Ava and Jacob are wonderful...they play so well together...Jake can be a little uncooperative and
Ava can be a little bossy at times, but for the most part, they play like best friends...I'm so glad they don't fight...don't get me wrong...they have their moments, but for the most part, good buddies...hope it stays that way. Jake plays dolls and Ava plays dinosaurs/mean guys...
Took the kids to see Generation X., Rubyz, and whatever the other group was called...it was so loud and obnoxious I about couldn't stand it...our house is just not a noisy house...my kids were both covering their ears...so sad. Anyway, the tough guy that broke the blocks (name?) said that he gets his power from Jesus Christ who lives in his heart. I about died yesterday...Jacob was telling Julie (babysitter) how strong and tough he was and that he (Jacob) had Jesus in his heart and that's why he is so powerful...omg...those little guys are listening when we least expect:) Ava is learning a lot in school now...was kind of boring her earlier in the year...I think cause she had been through preschool and a lot of what they were learning was review for her...but now they are reading and doing things that are somewhat new to her...I'm glad...she stays pretty busy with school/girl scout functions, church, playdates, etc. Jacob has started having playdates too and is so excited...E.E. (his bestest friend) and him have had a couple playdates here lately (thx so much for helping me out D). Now we struggle with "who's turn is it" and "that's not fair"...drama...
Well, that's all for now...I will try to post some pics...that is not a promise, however...

1 comment:
glad to hear an update on you!!
sorry you haven't been feeling the greatest- hope they get that figured out soon for ya!
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