35 weeks...and counting...everything still intact (as far as I can tell anyway) and still mobile, although I feel a little tired and unbalanced! July is already booked...almost solid...hope I can get all the bday parties and vbs overwith before baby T. makes his entrance into the world...but on the other hand...I'm just kidding...he needs to cook at least a couple more weeks...
Still trying to get my pictures posted...
I know you probably don't feel this way, but I think your pregnancy has gone really quickly. Enjoy those last few weeks with just the four of you!
BTW, you were right...there is just something special about little boys. I LOVE my girls, but there is just something about having a boy.
Ya...boys steal your heart...they can look at you and make you melt...I hope Jax isn't getting too big too quick...I have a little outfit for him, but it's for this summer! You b home tonight?
I was wondering how you were doing! Glad all is well :)
glad you're still hanging in there! he will be here before you know it! can't wait to hear what you're going to name him. are the kids getting excited??
Glad to hear you are doing OK!! It's JULY finally for you! Can't wait until I see the post that says HE's here!! I'm sure baby #3 is going to be a little cutie pie because #1 and #2 are adorable! The verse that I liked best at the end of my pregnancies was.....
"Come to me, all you that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest." Matthew 28:11
Praying you will have a smoothly deliver and healthy & happy baby boy!
OK...that was suppose to say smooth delivery...not smoothly deliver...either way hope it is easy for you!
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